C# and .NET course

14 lessons to get you started with C# and .NET, free PDF tutorial by Jonathan Worthington .

The C# language was created alongside the .NET platform. It could be considered the ?native? language of .NET, providing access to the vast majority of language features that the .NET runtime is optimized to support. It takes the best bits of Java, C and C++ .

This ebook helps you get to grips with the C# programming language and the .Net platform and proves
a useful reference for the future. It is the first edition.


  • Introduction
  • C# Language Fundamentals
  • Classes and Objects
  • Inheritance & Polymorphism
  • Structures, Enumeration, Garbage Collection & Nested Classes
  • Abstract Classes & Interfaces
  • Arrays, Collections & String Manipulation
  • Exception Handling
  • Delegates & Events
  • WinForms & Windows Applications
  • More Windows Controls & Standard Dialog Boxes
  • Data Access using ADO Net
  • Multithreading
  • The File System & Streams
  • New Features In C#
  • The Road Ahead
Size : 3646.712 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 282
Created: 2022-01-07
C# and .NET course

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