Reintroducing React

Download free course Reintroducing React, pdf file on 257 pages by Ohans Emmanuel.
In this book, unlike any you may have come across before, I will deliver funny, unfeigned & dead serious comic strips about every React update since v16+. It'll be hilarious, easy on beginners as well as professionals, and will be very informative as a whole.

From the new Lifecycle methods to Advanced Hooks Patterns in React, I've got you...

If you learned React a while back it's not impossible that you haven't been up to date with every new feature/release. It's also possible to get lost on all the new features. Where exactly do you start? How important are they for your day to day use?

Modern React has new interesting features that are worth your attention. It's best to know those now, and not have to unlearn and relearn newer concepts.

Table of contents

  • New Lifecycle Methods
  • Simpler State Management with the Context API
  • ContextType - Using Context without a Consumer
  • React.memo === Functional PureComponent
  • The Profiler - Identifying Performance Bottlenecks
  • Lazy Loading with React.Lazy and Suspense
  • Hooks - Building Simpler React Apps
  • Advanced React Patterns with Hooks
Pages : 257
Size : 15.1 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 325
Created: 2022-02-03
License: Open Publication License
Author(s): Ohans Emmanuel
Reintroducing React

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