Angular 2+ Notes for Professionals

Download free course Angular 2+ Notes for Professionals, pdf file on 232 pages by by Stack Overflow Community.

The Angular 2+ Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow.

Table of contents

  • Getting started with Angular 2+
  • Components
  • Component interactions
  • Directives
  • Page title
  • Templates
  • Commonly built-in directives and services
  • Directives & components: @Input @Output
  • Attribute directives to affect the value of properties on the host node by using the @HostBinding decorator
  • How to Use ngif
  • How to use ngfor
  • Angular - ForLoop
  • Modules
  • Pipes
  • OrderBy Pipe
  • Angular 2 Custom Validations
  • Routing
  • Routing (3.0.0+)
  • Dynamically add components using ViewContainerRef.createComponent
  • Installing 3rd party plugins with [email protected]
  • Lifecycle Hooks
  • Angular RXJS Subjects and Observables with API requests
  • Services and Dependency Injection
  • Service Worker
  • EventEmitter Service
  • Optimizing rendering using ChangeDetectionStrategy
  • Angular 2 Forms Update
  • Detecting resize events
  • Testing ngModel
  • Feature Modules
  • Bootstrap Empty module in angular 2
  • Lazy loading a module
  • Advanced Component Examples
  • Bypassing Sanitizing for trusted values
  • Angular 2 Data Driven Forms
  • Angular 2 In Memory Web API
  • Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation with Angular 2
  • CRUD in Angular 2 with Restful API
  • Use native webcomponents in Angular 2
  • Update typings
  • Mocking @ngrx/Store
  • ngrx
  • Http Interceptor
  • Animation
  • Zone.js
  • Angular 2 Animations
  • Create an Angular 2+ NPM package
  • Angular 2 CanActivate
  • Angular 2 - Protractor
  • Example for routes such as /route/subroute for static urls
  • Angular 2 Input() output()
  • Angular-cli
  • Angular 2 Change detection and manual triggering
  • Angular 2 Databinding
  • Brute Force Upgrading
  • Angular 2 provide external data to App before bootstrap
  • custom ngx-bootstrap datepicker + input
  • Using third party libraries like jQuery in Angular 2
  • Configuring Core application to work with Angular 2 and TypeScript
  • Angular 2 using webpack
  • Angular material design
  • Dropzone in Angular 2
  • angular redux
  • Creating an Angular npm library
  • Barrel
  • Testing an Angular 2 App
  • angular-cli test coverage
  • Debugging Angular 2 TypeScript application using Visual Studio Code
  • unit testing
Pages : 232
Size : 1.8 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 113
Created: 2022-02-01
License: CC BY-SA
Author(s): by Stack Overflow Community
Angular 2+ Notes for Professionals

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