Artificial Neural Networks - Architectures and Applications

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) may probably be the single most successful technology in the last two decades which has been widely used in a large variety of applications. The purpose of this book is to provide recent advances of architectures, methodologies, and applications of artificial neural networks.

The book consists of two parts: the architecture part covers architectures, design, optimization, and analysis of artificial neural networks; the applications part covers applications of artificial neural networks in a wide range of areas including biomedical, industrial, physics, and financial applications. Thus, this book will be a fundamental source of recent advances and applications of artificial neural networks. The target audience of this book includes college and graduate students, and engineers in companies.

Pages : 264 pages
Size : PDF files
File type : pdf
Downloads: 30
Created: 2020-08-28
License: Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
Author(s): Kenji Suzuki
Artificial Neural Networks - Architectures and Applications

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