Learning akka PDF course

Table of contents

  • About
  • Getting started with akka
  • Remarks
  • Examples
  • Installation or Setup
  • Actor DSL
  • Examples
  • Simple Actor DSL
  • Context switching
  • Life-cycle Management
  • Nested Actors
  • Supervision
  • Stash support
  • Akka HTTP
  • Introduction
  • Examples
  • Akka HTTP server: Hello World (Scala DSL)
  • Akka Streams
  • Examples
  • Akka Streams: Hello World
  • Akka-Streams: subflows
  • akka-streams custom shapes
  • Remarks
  • Examples
  • TwoThreeShape
  • Dispatchers
  • Examples
  • Default Dispatcher
  • Setting the dispatcher for an Actor
  • Hello world
  • Actor DSL
  • Akka Streams
  • Dispatchers
  • Injecting dependencies into an actor

It is a free Akka ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many Akka developers and contributors.

The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA

Size : 1.15MB
File type : pdf
Downloads: 66
Created: 2019-04-29

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