Practical Foundations for Programming Languages

Download free course Practical Foundations for Programming Languages, pdf file on 590 pages by Robert Harper.
Types are the central organizing principle of the theory of programming languages. Language features are manifestations of type structure. The syntax of a language is governed by the constructs that define its types, and its semantics is determined by the interactions among those constructs. The soundness of a language design - the absence of ill-defined programs-follows naturally. The purpose of this book is to explain this remark. A variety of programming language features are analyzed in the unifying framework of type theory. A language feature is defined by its statics, the rules governing the use of the feature in a program, and its dynamics, the rules defining how programs using this feature are to be executed. The concept of safety emerges as the coherence of the statics and the dynamics of a language.

In this way we establish a foundation for the study of programming languages. But why these particular methods? The main justification is provided by the book itself. The methods we use are both precise and intuitive, providing a uniform framework for explaining programming language concepts. Importantly, these methods scale to a wide range of programming language concepts, supporting rigorous analysis of their properties. Although it would require another book in itself to justify this assertion, these methods are also practical in that they are directly applicable to implementation and uniquely effective as a basis for mechanized reasoning. No other framework offers as much.

Table of contents

  • Judgments and Rules
  • Syntactic Objects
  • Inductive Definitions
  • Hypothetical and General Judgments
  • Statics and Dynamics
  • Statics
  • Dynamics
  • Type Safety
  • Evaluation Dynamics
  • Function Types
  • Function Definitions and Values
  • Godel's T
  • Plotkin's PCF
  • Finite Data Types
  • Product Types
  • Sum Types
  • Pattern Matching
  • Generic Programming
  • Infinite Data Types
  • Inductive and Co-Inductive Types
  • Recursive Types
  • Dynamic Types
  • The Untyped -Calculus
  • Dynamic Typing
  • Hybrid Typing
  • Variable Types
  • Girard's System F
  • Abstract Types
  • Constructors and Kinds
  • Subtyping
  • Subtyping
  • Singleton Kinds
  • Classes and Methods
  • Dynamic Dispatch
  • Inheritance
  • Exceptions and Continuations
  • Control Stacks
  • Exceptions
  • Continuations
  • Types and Propositions
  • Constructive Logic
  • Classical Logic
  • Symbols
  • Symbols
  • Fluid Binding
  • Dynamic Classification
  • State
  • Modernized Algol
  • Assignable References
  • Laziness
  • Lazy Evaluation
  • Polarization
  • Parallelism
  • Nested Parallelism
  • Futures and Speculations
  • Concurrency
  • Process Calculus
  • Concurrent Algol
  • Distributed Algol
  • Modularity
  • Components and Linking
  • Type Abstractions and Type Classes
  • Hierarchy and Parameterization
  • Equational Reasoning
  • Equational Reasoning for T
  • Equational Reasoning for PCF
  • Parametricity
  • Process Equivalence
  • Appendices
  • Finite Sets and Finite Functions
Pages : 590
Size : 3.0 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 118
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-NC-ND
Author(s): Robert Harper
Practical Foundations for Programming Languages

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