Mathematica® Programming: an Advanced Introduction

Starting from first principles, this book covers all of the foundational material needed to develop a clear understanding of the Mathematica language, with a practical emphasis on solving problems. Concrete examples throughout the text demonstrate how Mathematica language, can be used to solve problems in science, engineering, economics/finance, computational linguistics, geoscience, bioinformatics, and a range of other fields.

The book will appeal to students, researchers and programmers wishing to further their understanding of Mathematica language. Designed to suit users of any ability, it assumes no formal knowledge of programming so it is ideal for self-study.

Pages : N/A
Size : PDF, ePub, Kindle, etc.
File type : pdf
Downloads: 21
Created: 2020-08-29
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US
Author(s): Leonid Shifrin
Mathematica® Programming: an Advanced Introduction

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