An Introduction to C & GUI Programming

Even if you are an absolute beginner, this book will teach you all you need to know to write simple programs in C and start creating GUIs. The first half of the book is an introduction to C, and covers the basics of writing simple command-line programs. The second half shows how to use the GTK user interface toolkit with C to create feature-rich GUI applications which can be run on the desktop. Create simple command-line C programs; Control flow with conditions and loops; Handle variables, strings, and files; Design graphical user interface applications in C; Handle user input with buttons and menus; Use advanced UI features such as data stores and dialogs.
Download free tutorial in PDF (156 pages) created by Simon Long .
Pages : 156
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File type : HTML
Downloads: 158
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): Simon Long
An Introduction to C & GUI Programming

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