Getting started with MongoDB

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database. As we will see, the whole system revolves around this document management, including the query language, which makes it its strong point. We are going to tackle now the setting up of a Mongo server and how to integrate your data in this environment.

Table of contents

  • Getting started with MongoDB
  • Running a JavaScript file in MongoDB
  • Make the output of find readable in shell
  • Basic commands on the mongo shell
  • Create a 2dsphere index
  • Aggregation
  • Operations with tables.
  • Delete documents that have a duplicate field in a collection
  • MongoDB aggregation
  • Examples of aggregated queries that are useful for work and learning
  • Java and Spring example
  • Get sample data
  • Left outer join with aggregation (search $)
  • Configuration
  • Start mongo with a specific configuration file
  • MongoDB Management
  • List of running queries
  • The basics of index creation
  • Deleting / deleting an index
  • Get clues from a collection
  • Sparse indexes and partial indexes
  • Authentication mechanisms in MongoDB
  • Authentication mechanisms
  • Update operators
  • $ Set operator to update the specified fields in documents
  • Chapter 11: Upgrading the MongoDB Version
  • Upgrade to 3.4 on Ubuntu 16.04 using apt
  • MongoDB authorization template
  • How to configure a ReplicaSet to support TLS / SSL?
  • Create the root certificate
  • Generate certificate requests and private keys
  • Sign your certificate requests
  • Concatte each node certificate with its key
  • Get information about the database
  • "Multi" setting when updating multiple documents
  • Update of embedded documents.
  • Bulk operations
  • Retrieve data from the collection with the condition
  • Python Driver
  • Request Document - Using AND, OR, and IN Conditions
  • Find () method with Projection
  • mongoimport with CSV
  • Backup and restore data
  • Upserts and inserts
Size : 1229.071 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 307
Created: 2019-04-27

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