Learning Java by Building Android Games

Android is the fastest growing operating system (OS) with one of the largest installed bases of any mobile OS. Android uses one of the most popular programming languages, Java, as the primary language for building apps of all types. So, you should first obtain a solid grasp of the Java language and its foundation APIs to improve the chances of succeeding as an Android app developer. This book will show you how to get your Android development environment set up and you will soon have your first working game. The difficulty level grows steadily with the introduction of key Java topics such as loops, methods, and OOP. You'll then use them in the development of games. You will learn how to build a math test game, a Simon-like memory game, a retro pong-style game, and for the grand finale, a Snake-style, retro arcade game with real Google Play leaderboards and achievements. The book has a hands-on approach and is packed with screenshots.
Download free tutorial in PDF (392 pages) created by .
Pages : 392
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File type : PDF
Downloads: 331
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Learning Java by Building Android Games

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