Raspberry Pi Tutorial

This is a free Raspberry PI PDF tutorial in 12 chapters and 43 pages. 

In this guide you’ll find everything you need to know about the Raspberry Pi computer, its background, purpose, system specs, the software it runs and the amazing things it is capable of. 

Table of contents

  • The Raspberry Pi
  • What is the Raspberry Pi?
  • Ethos of the Raspberry Pi
  • Some Uses for the Raspberry Pi
  • What’s Inside the Raspberry Pi?
  • Raspberry Pi System Specs
  • How Big is the Raspberry Pi?
  • Development of the Raspberry Pi
  • What You Will Need for Your Raspberry Pi
  • Case Options
  • Cables
  • Storage
  • Everything Else
  • Handle with Care
  • Setting Up the Raspberry Pi
  • Installing Raspbian
  • Getting to Grips with the GUI
  • Start and Shut Down Safely
  • Issuing Instructions in the Command Line
  • Adding New Software
  • Programming on the Pi
  • Python
  • Other Programming Tools
  • Where to Find Tips on Coding
  • Raspberry Pi in Schools
  • Configuring the Pi as a Media Center
  • Installing Kodi on the Raspberry Pi
  • Principles of Running Kodi on a Raspberry Pi
  • Fascinating Uses for the Raspberry Pi
  • Raspberry Pi + Kindle = Portable Computer!
  • Turn Your Raspberry Pi into a NAS Box
  • Kit(t) Your Car with a Raspberry Pi Carputer
  • Gaming Machine
  • internet Radio
  • Security System
  • Babycam Server
  • Home Automation Server
  • Testing or Live Web Server
  • Wireless Access Point
  • A Print Server
  • Raspberry Pi Picture Frame
  • Build a Streaming Speaker
  • Play Your Own Theme Tune When You Enter the Room
  • Build a Robot Dog
  • Raspberry Pi: A Versatile Mini Computer
  • Breakout Boards and HATs
  • Other Non-Essential Components
  • The Cream on Your Raspberry Pi
  • Ten Tips for Successful Use of Your Raspberry Pi
Size : 1.7 MB
File type : pdf
Downloads: 447
Created: 2019-05-02

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