Sensor Technologies

Sensor Technologies: Healthcare, Wellness and Environmental Applications explores the key aspects of sensor technologies, covering wired, wireless, and discrete sensors for the specific application domains of healthcare, wellness and environmental sensing. It discusses the social, regulatory, and design considerations specific to these domains. The book provides an application-based approach using real-world examples to illustrate the application of sensor technologies in a practical and experiential manner. The book guides the reader from the formulation of the research question, through the design and validation process, to the deployment and management phase of sensor applications. The processes and examples used in the book are primarily based on research carried out by Intel or joint academic research programs.
Download free tutorial in PDF (336 pages) created by Michael J. McGrath .
Pages : 336
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Downloads: 85
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): Michael J. McGrath
Sensor Technologies

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