Snake Wrangling for Kids

Download free course Snake Wrangling for Kids, pdf file on 153 pages by Jason Briggs.
Python for Kids is a lighthearted introduction to the Python language and to programming in general, complete with illustrations and kid-friendly examples. We begin with the basics of how to install Python and write simple commands. In bite-sized chapters, you'll discover the essentials of Python, including how to use Python's extensive standard library, the difference between strings and lists, and using for-loops and while-loops. By the end of the book, readers have built a couple of games and created drawings with Python's graphics library, Tkinter. Each chapter closes with fun and relevant exercises that challenge the reader to put their newly acquired knowledge to the test.

Table of contents

  • Not all snakes will squish you
  • 8 multiplied by 3.57 equals...
  • Turtles, and other slow moving creatures
  • How to ask a question
  • Again and again
  • Sort of like recycling...
  • A short chapter about Files
  • Turtles galore
  • A bit graphic
  • Where to go from here
  • Python Keywords
  • Built-in Functions
  • A Few Python Modules
  • Answers to "Things to try"
Pages : 153
Size : 1.4 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 81
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Author(s): Jason Briggs
Snake Wrangling for Kids

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