Discovering the STM32 Microcontroller

This book is intended as a hands-on manual for learning how to design systems using the STM32 F1 family of micro-controllers. It was written to support a junior-level computer science course at Indiana University.

The focus of this book is on developing code to utilize the various peripherals available in STM32 F1 micro-controllers and in particular the STM32VL Discovery board. Because there are other fine sources of information on the Cortex-M3, which is the core processor for the STM32 F1 micro-controllers, we do not examine this core in detail; an excellent reference is "The Definitive Guide to the ARM CORTEX-M3."

Pages : N/A
Size : PDF (244 pages, 12.1 MB)
File type : pdf
Downloads: 27
Created: 2020-08-29
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Author(s): Geoffrey Brown
Discovering the STM32 Microcontroller

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