Solving PDEs in Python

Download free course Solving PDEs in Python, pdf file on 152 pages by Hans Petter Langtangen, Anders Logg.
This book offers a concise and gentle introduction to finite element programming in Python based on the popular FEniCS software library. Using a series of examples, including the Poisson equation, the equations of linear elasticity, the incompressible Navier - Stokes equations, and systems of nonlinear advection - diffusion - reaction equations, it guides readers through the essential steps to quickly solving a PDE in FEniCS, such as how to define a finite variational problem, how to set boundary conditions, how to solve linear and nonlinear systems, and how to visualize solutions and structure finite element Python programs.

Table of contents

Pages : 152
Size : 4.9 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 150
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY
Author(s): Hans Petter Langtangen, Anders Logg
Solving PDEs in Python

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