Rexx Programmer's Reference

Download free course Rexx Programmer's Reference, pdf file on 723 pages by Howard Fosdick.
Originally developed for mainframes but highly portable across platforms-from servers to desktops to handhelds-Rexx is an easy yet powerful scripting language that's widely used for rapid application development.

Covers Rexx interpreters for specialized functions-object-oriented, mainframe, and handheld.

There are 8 different free Rexx interpreters optimized for different platforms and uses. This book shows how to use them all.

Shows how to script for GUIs, databases, web servers, XML, and other interfaces.

Details how to make the best use of Rexx tools and interfaces, with examples for both Linux and Windows.

Includes a tutorial with lots of examples to help people get up and running.

Table of contents

  • Introduction to Scripting and Rexx
  • Language Basics
  • Control Structures
  • Arrays
  • Input and Output
  • String Manipulation
  • Numbers, Calculations, and Conversions
  • Subroutines, Functions, and Modularity
  • Debugging and the Trace Facility
  • Errors and Condition Trapping
  • The External Data Queue, or "Stack"
  • Rexx with Style
  • Writing Portable Rexx
  • Issuing System Commands
  • Interfacing to Relational Databases
  • Graphical User Interfaces
  • Web Programming with CGI and Apache
  • XML and Other Interfaces
  • Evolution and Implementations
  • Regina
  • Rexx/imc
  • BRexx
  • Reginald
  • Handhelds and Embedded Programming
  • Rexx for Palm OS
  • r4 and Object-Oriented roo!
  • Open Object Rexx
  • Open Object Rexx Tutorial
  • IBM Mainframe Rexx
  • NetRexx
  • Resources
  • Instructions
  • Functions
  • Regina Extended Functions
  • Mainframe Extended Functions
  • Rexx/SQL Functions
  • Rexx/Tk Functions
  • Tools, Interfaces, and Packages
  • Open Object Rexx: Classes and Methods
  • Mod_Rexx: Functions and Special Variables
  • NetRexx: Quick Reference
  • Interpreter System Information
  • Answers to "Test Your Understanding" Questions
Pages : 723
Size : 8.6 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 102
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY
Author(s): Howard Fosdick
Rexx Programmer's Reference

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