JavaScript for impatient programmers

Download free course JavaScript for impatient programmers, pdf file on 526 pages by Axel Rauschmayer.
This book makes JavaScript less challenging to learn for newcomers, by offering a modern view that is as consistent as possible.

- Get started quickly, by initially focusing on modern features.
- Test-driven exercises and quizzes available for most chapters.
- Covers all essential features of JavaScript, up to and including ES2020.
- Optional advanced sections let you dig deeper.

No prior knowledge of JavaScript is required, but you should know how to program.

Table of contents

  • About this book
  • FAQ: Book and supplementary material
  • History and evolution of JavaScript
  • FAQ: JavaScript
  • The big picture
  • Syntax
  • Consoles: interactive JavaScript command lines
  • Assertion API
  • Getting started with quizzes and exercises
  • Variables and assignment
  • Values
  • Operators
  • The non-values undefined and null
  • Booleans
  • Numbers
  • Math
  • Unicode - a brief introduction (advanced)
  • Strings
  • Using template literals and tagged templates
  • Symbols
  • Control flow statements
  • Exception handling
  • Callable values
  • Modules
  • Single objects
  • Prototype chains and classes
  • Synchronous iteration
  • Arrays (Array)
  • Typed Arrays: handling binary data (Advanced)
  • Maps (Map)
  • WeakMaps (WeakMap)
  • Sets (Set)
  • WeakSets (WeakSet)
  • Destructuring
  • Synchronous generators (advanced)
  • Asynchronous programming in JavaScript
  • Promises for asynchronous programming
  • Async functions
  • Asynchronous iteration
  • Regular expressions (RegExp)
  • Dates (Date)
  • Creating and parsing JSON (JSON)
  • Where are the remaining chapters?
Pages : 526
Size :
File type : PDF
Downloads: 1075
Created: 2022-02-03
License: All rights reserved
Author(s): Axel Rauschmayer
JavaScript for impatient programmers

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