Download Struts Tutorial

This is a tutorial for the Struts framework. It consists of a small application which is developed step by step.

A free pdf training material course on 67 pages by Stephan Wiesner.

Struts: what does it is ... The Struts library is a framework that helps construct web applications respecting the architectural model MVC This is a library that provides the minimum of rules to build a professional web application (separation of trades and therefore skills) Struts is a project supported by the Apache Software Foundation.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Installation of Struts
  • Simple JSP
  • Struts For Internationalisation
  • Struts for Forms
  • Struts:Introducing the ActionForm
  • Handling Invalid Entries
  • Using Logic
  • Advanced Logic
  • Templates
  • From Beans to XML
  • Replacing JSP with XSLT
  • Installation of ANT
  • What is ANT
  • Configuration of ANT
  • Usage of ANT
  • Conclusions
  • Large Scale Example
  • Solutionsto Exercises
Size : 1,239.93 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 136
Created: 2016-07-02

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Others Struts Tutorials

Struts Framework ,Overview Installation and Setup

Introduction to Struts

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