Elementary Algorithms

Download free course Elementary Algorithms, pdf file on 642 pages by Larry LIU Xinyu.
This book introduces about elementary algorithms and data structure. It includes side-by-side comparison about purely functional realization and their imperative counterpart.

Table of contents

  • Binary Search Tree, the 'hello world' data structure
  • The evolution of insertion sort
  • Red-black tree, not so complex as it was thought
  • AVL tree
  • Radix tree, Trie and Prefix Tree
  • B-Trees
  • Binary Heaps
  • From grape to the world cup, the evolution of selection sort
  • Binomial heap, Fibonacci heap, and pairing heap
  • Queue, not so simple as it was thought
  • Sequences, The last brick
  • Divide and conquer, Quick sort vs. Merge sort
  • Searching
Pages : 642
Size : 7.4 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 83
Created: 2022-02-02
License: Open Publication License
Author(s): Larry LIU Xinyu
Elementary Algorithms

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