Rails on Containers

This book is designed to introduce you to using containers and Kubernetes for full-stack development. You'll learn how to develop a full-stack application using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL with Sidekiq, and how to manage them all - first with Docker, then with Docker Compose, and finally with Kubernetes. The topics that it covers include how to: - Get started developing an application about sharks using the Ruby on Rails framework; - Extend the application's data model to incorporate user submitted information about sharks; - Add the Stimulus JavaScript and Bootstrap CSS frameworks to your application to create visually appealing, interactive pages; - Integrate Sidekiq into your application to handle asynchronous data processing; - Containerize your application and streamline your development workflow using Docker Compose; - Migrate your Docker Compose development workflow to Kubernetes, finishing with a completely cloud-native application.
Download free tutorial in PDF (316 pages) created by Kathleen Juell .
Pages : 316
Size :
File type : HTML
Downloads: 219
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): Kathleen Juell
Rails on Containers

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