The NGINX Real-Time API Handbook

Download free course The NGINX Real-Time API Handbook, pdf file on 26 pages by Karthik Krishnaswamy, Alessandro Fael García.
Discover how to deliver reliable, high-performance APIs with our NGINX Real-Time API Handbook. Compiled by leading experts on real-time API management, this handbook is a comprehensive guide to reducing latency in your applications and APIs without making any compromises. Learn why now, more than ever, your APIs need to perform in real time to meet digital business requirements.

This eBook covers trends driving real-time APIs, a practical reference architecture for any enterprise, and helpful vendor comparisons and case studies to make the business case for investing in the proper API management solution.

Table of contents

  • How Real-Time APIs Power Our Lives
  • Benchmarking API Management Solutions from NGINX, Kong, and Amazon: Do They Deliver APIs in Real Time?
  • A Real-Time API Reference Architecture
  • Is Your API Real-Time?
  • Real-Time APIs: Stories from the Real World
Pages : 26
Size : 0.7 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 78
Created: 2022-02-03
License: Open Publication License
Author(s): Karthik Krishnaswamy, Alessandro Fael García
The NGINX Real-Time API Handbook

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