Introduction to the Unified Modeling Language

This course for beginners aims to teach you in a series of tutorials all the notions of the UML language so that you can easily model your data and processes with the standard UML 2.0.

UML (Unified Modeling Language) today stands out as the standardized object modeling language for software design.

Programming techniques have continued to progress from the time of programming by punched cards to the present day. This evolution has always been dictated by the need to design and maintain ever more complex applications.

Object technology is therefore the ultimate consequence of the modularization dictated by the mastery of the design and maintenance of ever more complex applications.

This new programming technique required the design of new modeling methods.

Table of contents

  • Use Case Diagrams
  • The UML symbol for a use case
  • The UML symbol for an actor
  • A UML use case diagram
  • Extends Use Case
  • Class Diagrams
  • Static Relationships
  • Attributes and Operations
  • Notation for attributes
  • Multiplicity notation
  • More Advanced Class Diagram Concepts
  • Abstract Classes
  • Object Diagrams
  • Sequence Diagrams
  • State Diagrams
  • Activity Diagrams
Size : 304.19 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 533
Created: 2016-12-03

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