AJAX Overview

This tutorial provides an overview of the AJAX and JavaScript ,it will learn to you how to build an interacting webpages while waiting for data to be returned.a free training courses under 28 pages by Mark Volkmann.

With Ajax the page can be updated without refreshing browser.

Table of contents

  • Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJaX)
  • What is AJaX?
  • JavaScript Overview
  • Syntax to use from HTML
  • XMLHttpRequest technic
  • XMLHttpRequest Properties
  • readyState
  • responseText
  • responseXML
  • XMLHttpRequest Methods
  • Basic methods
  • Header methods
  • JavaScript Library
  • Asynchronous
  • Synchronous
  • Demos and examples
Size : 1,976.43 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 472
Created: 2015-11-21

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