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Python PDF course

What is Python?

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You have decided to learn Python and I can only congratulate you. I will try to anticipate your questions and leave no one behind.

In this chapter, I will first explain what a programming language is. We will then briefly see the story of Python, so that you at least know where this language comes from! This chapter is theoretical but I urge you to read it anyway.

The final section will cover the installation of Python, an essential step to continue this tutorial. Whether you are working with Windows, Linux or Mac OS X, you will find precise explanations of the installation.

Come on, we attack!

A programming language? What is it ?

Human communication
No, this is not a biological or philosophical explanation, do not leave!
Very simply, if you come to understand these sequences of strange and disconcerting symbols that are the letters of the alphabet, it is because we respect certain conventions, in language and in writing. In French, there are rules of grammar and spelling, I do not teach you anything. You communicate by knowing more or less consciously these rules and by applying them more or less well, as the case may be.
However, these rules can easily be circumvented: no one can claim to know all the rules of French grammar and spelling, and few people care. After all, even if you make mistakes, people with whom you communicate can easily understand you.
When you communicate with a computer, however, it's very different.

My computer communicates too!

Yes, your computer communicates constantly with you and you communicate with him constantly. Okay, he tells you very rarely that he is hungry, that the summer promises to be scorching and that the last disc of this well-known band was crying.
There is nothing magic if, when you click on the small cross at the top right of the current application, it understands that it must close.

Machine language

In fact, your computer is also based on a language to communicate with you or with itself. The operations that a computer can perform at the base are most classic and consist of the addition of two numbers, their subtraction, their multiplication, their division, whole or not. And yet, these five operations are amply enough to run the most complex simulation software or super-realistic games.
All these programs work roughly the same way:

By schematizing voluntarily, an instruction could ask the program to close if you click on the cross at the top right of your screen, or stay in the background if that is his pleasure. However, in machine language, such an action alone requires a large number of instructions.

But hey, you can imagine, talking with the computer in machine language, which includes only the binary, it is neither very rewarding nor very practical, and in any case not very funny.
We have invented programming languages to facilitate communication with the computer.

What can Python do?

Python is a powerful language that is both easy to learn and rich in possibilities. From the moment you install it on your computer, you have many features built into the language that we will discover throughout this book.

It is also very easy to extend the existing features, as we will see. Thus, there are so-called libraries that help the developer to work on particular projects. Several libraries can thus be installed to, for example, develop graphical interfaces in Python.

Concretely, that's what we can do with Python:

Python and the XML

Parser of HTML and XML with python and library Python Programming Course Tutorial Computing Learning.

Submitted On : 2017-09-09

Taille : 415.33 Kb

Downloads : 1644

Django Web Framework and Python

Download free PDF tutorial about Django framework with Python, document under 40 page by Zhaojie Zhang.

Submitted On : 2018-04-01

Taille : 1,648.93 Kb

Downloads : 2021

Advanced Python, course with exercises

This tutorial is a self­learning document in PDF for a course in Python programming intended to advanced students level.

Submitted On : 2019-01-31

Taille : 1137.616 Kb

Downloads : 1064

Processing WSDL in Python

With this tutorial you will learn how to process WSDL in Python language (web services and Python) , free PDF cocument under 11 pages by Mike Olson and Uche Ogbuji .

Submitted On : 2019-02-01

Taille : 133.746 Kb

Downloads : 299

Think Python, Free PDF tutorial

The goal of this book is to teach you to think like a computer scientist. This way of thinking combines some of the best features of mathematics, engineering, and natural science.

Submitted On : 2019-02-01

Taille : 1067.59 Kb

Downloads : 1344

Learning Python language

Complete Python language tutorial, courses, exercises and Python language examples designed for developers who want to learn the basics of this language. PDF document on 1067 pages created by StackOverFlow.

Submitted On : 2019-04-21

Taille : 5439.401 Kb

Downloads : 1129

Python tutorial for professionals

Download free Python tutorial course in PDF, training file in 201 chapters and 816 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.

Submitted On : 2019-04-30

Taille : 5.93 MB

Downloads : 2001

Making Games with Python & Pygame

This book will teach you how to make graphical computer games in the Python programming language using the Pygame library.

Submitted On : 2019-05-01

Taille : 4456.332 Kb

Downloads : 1523

Python 3 Tutorial for beginner

Download Python PDF Tutorial for free, it consisting of 20 chapters and 74 pages covering all the most important Python concepts. This tutorial is intended for beginner programmers, and we recommend you to go through all the chapters, to get the most out of it as possible.

Submitted On : 2019-05-01

Taille : 0.33 MB

Downloads : 1367

Python for Everybody

This book assumes that everyone needs to know how to program, and that once you know how to program you will figure out what you want to do with your newfound skills. Download free ebook intituled Python for Everybody, creative commons document

Submitted On : 2019-09-09

Taille : 2336.78 Kb

Downloads : 1480

A Practical Introduction to Python Programming

This book is for anyone who wants to understand Python programming. It is degigned as partly a tutorial and partly a reference of Python.

Submitted On : 2020-08-26

Taille : HTML and PDF (263 pages)

Downloads : 492

A Byte of Python

This is a free book on programming using the Python language. It serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a beginner audience. If all you know about computers is how to save text files, then this is the book for you. This book is written for the latest Python 3, even though Python 2 is the commonly found version of Python today (read more about it in Python 2 versus 3 section).

Submitted On : 2020-08-26

Taille : HTML and PDF

Downloads : 35

Algorithmic Problem Solving with Python

This book uses Python to introduce folks to programming and algorithmic thinking. It is sharply focused on classical algorithms, but it also gives a solid understanding of fundamental algorithmic problem-solving techniques.

Submitted On : 2020-08-27

Taille : PDF Files and a single PDF (360 pages, 2.1 MB)

Downloads : 257

Annotated Algorithms in Python: with Applications in Physics, Biology, and Finance

This book is assembled from lectures given by the author over a period of 10 years at the School of Computing of DePaul University. The lectures cover multiple classes, including Analysis and Design of Algorithms, Scientific Computing, Monte Carlo Simulations, and Parallel Algorithms. These lectures teach the core knowledge required by any scientist interested in numerical algorithms and by students interested in computational finance.

Submitted On : 2020-08-27

Taille : PDF (388 pages)

Downloads : 197

A Whirlwind Tour of Python

A Whirlwind Tour of Python is a fast-paced introduction to essential features of the Python language, aimed at researchers and developers who are already familiar with programming in another language. The material is particularly designed for those who wish to use Python for data science and/or scientific programming, and in this capacity serves as an introduction to my longer book, The Python Data Science Handbook.

Submitted On : 2020-08-28

Taille : HTML, PDF, etc.

Downloads : 100

Building Skills in Python: A Programmer's Introduction to Python

This book is a complete presentation of the Python language. It is oriented toward learning, which involves accumulating many closely intertwined concepts. In our experience teaching, coaching and doing programming, there is an upper limit on the "clue absorption rate". In order to keep within this limit, we've found that it helps to present a language as ever-expanding layers. We'll lead you from a very tiny, easy to understand subset of statements to the entire Python language and all of the built-in data structures. We've also found that doing a number of exercises helps internalize each language concept.

Submitted On : 2020-08-28

Taille :

Downloads : 309

Classic Computer Science Problems in Python

This book deepens your knowledge of problem-solving techniques from the realm of computer science by challenging you with time-tested scenarios, exercises, and algorithms. As you work through examples in search, clustering, graphs, and more, you'll remember important things you've forgotten and discover classic solutions to your "new" problems!

Submitted On : 2020-08-28

Taille : HTML

Downloads : 88

Deep Learning with Python

This book introduces the field of deep learning using the Python language and the powerful Keras library. Written by Keras creator and Google AI researcher François Chollet, this book builds your understanding through intuitive explanations and practical examples. You'll explore challenging concepts and practice with applications in computer vision, natural-language processing, and generative models. By the time you finish, you'll have the knowledge and hands-on skills to apply deep learning in your own projects.

Submitted On : 2020-08-28

Taille : HTML

Downloads : 103

Essential Python

This book written to provide clear and concise explanation of topics for programmers both starting to learn the Python programming language as well as those diving in more complex topics. Most examples are linked to online playground that allows you to change the code and re-run it.

Submitted On : 2020-08-29

Taille :

Downloads : 138

Fast Lane to Python

This book aims to enable the reader to quickly acquire a Python foundation. The material particularly feel quite comfortable to anyone with background in an object-oriented programming (OOP) language such as C++ or Java.

Submitted On : 2020-08-29

Taille : PDF (171 pages)

Downloads : 162

From Python to NumPy

NumPy is one of the most important scientific computing libraries available for Python. This book teaches you how to achieve expert level competency to perform complex operations, with in-depth coverage of advanced concepts.

Submitted On : 2020-08-29

Taille : HTML

Downloads : 73

Hands-on Python Tutorial

Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C. The language provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale.

Submitted On : 2020-08-29

Taille : HTML and PDF

Downloads : 89

How To Code in Python 3

An introduction to computer programming with Python 3. Helps the readers in learning the key concepts of Python and understanding how programs work while also imparting foundational logic that can serve the readers in other domains.

Submitted On : 2020-08-29

Taille : HTML, PDF (459 pages), and ePub

Downloads : 127

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3 Documentation

This book is an introduction to computer science using the Python programming language. It covers the basics of computer programming, including variables and values, functions, conditionals and control flow, program development and debugging. Later chapters cover basic algorithms and data structures.

Submitted On : 2020-08-29

Taille : PDF and PostScript

Downloads : 110

Introduction to Scientific Programming with Python

This book offers an initial introduction to programming for scientific and computational applications using the Python programming language. The presentation style is compact and example-based, making it suitable for students and researchers with little or no prior experience in programming.

Submitted On : 2020-08-29

Taille : PDF

Downloads : 177

IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook

This book contains many ready-to-use, focused recipes for high-performance scientific computing and data analysis, from the latest IPython/Jupyter features to the most advanced tricks, to help you write better and faster code. You will apply these state-of-the-art methods to various real-world examples, illustrating topics in applied mathematics, scientific modeling, and machine learning.

Submitted On : 2020-08-29

Taille : HTML

Downloads : 61

Learning to Program Using Python

An introduction to computer programming, using the easy, yet powerful, Python programming language. Python, a cross-platform language used by such organizations as Google and NASA, lets you work quickly and efficiently, allowing you to concentrate on your work rather than the language.

Submitted On : 2020-08-29

Taille : PDF (268 pages, 1.64 MB)

Downloads : 73

Modeling and Simulation in Python

This book is an introduction to physical modeling using a computational approach. It is organized in three parts:

Submitted On : 2020-08-29

Taille : PDF

Downloads : 77

Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3

This book is a tutorial for the Python 3 programming language designed for someone with no programming experience. Starting from no programming knowledge, the book teaches how to create programs with examples, explanations and exercises.

Submitted On : 2020-08-29

Taille : HTML and PDF

Downloads : 115

Practices of the Python Pro

Professional developers know the many benefits of writing application code that's clean, well-organized, and easy to maintain. By learning and following established patterns and best practices, you can take your code and your career to a new level.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : HTML

Downloads : 92

Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python

This books is about computer science. It is also about Python. However, there is much more. The study of algorithms and data structures is central to understanding what computer science is all about. Learning computer science is not unlike learning any other type of difficult subject matter. The only way to be successful is through deliberate and incremental exposure to the fundamental ideas. A beginning computer scientist needs practice so that there is a thorough understanding before continuing on to the more complex parts of the curriculum. In addition, a beginner needs to be given the opportunity to be successful and gain confidence.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : HTML

Downloads : 259

Programming for Computations - Python: A Gentle Introduction to Numerical Simulations with Python

This book presents computer programming as a key method for solving mathematical problems. There are two versions of the book, one for MATLAB and one for Python. The book was inspired by the Springer book TCSE 6: A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (by Langtangen), but the style is more accessible and concise, in keeping with the needs of engineering students.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : PDF (244 pages) and ePub

Downloads : 35

Python 3 Patterns, Recipes and Idioms

This book is aimed at more experienced Python programmers who are looking to deepen their understanding of the language and modern programming idioms. Much of the material focuses on some of the more advanced techniques used by libraries, frameworks, and applications.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : HTML and PDF

Downloads : 123

Python and Coding Theory

This is the lecture notes for a course on Python and coding theory designed for students who have little or no programmig experience. You will learn some of the Python computer programming language and selected topics in coding theory.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : PDF

Downloads : 130

Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working with Data

For many researchers, Python is a first-class tool mainly because of its libraries for storing, manipulating, and gaining insight from data. Several resources exist for individual pieces of this data science stack, but only with the Python Data Science Handbook do you get them all - IPython, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, and other related tools.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : HTML and PDF

Downloads : 257

Python for Everybody: Exploring Data in Python 3

Python for Everybody is designed to introduce students to programming and software development through the lens of exploring data. You can think of the Python programming language as your tool to solve data problems that are beyond the capability of a spreadsheet.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : PDF, ePub, etc.

Downloads : 155

Python for Informatics: Exploring Information

This book is designed to introduce students to programming and computational thinking through the lens of exploring data. You can think of Python as your tool to solve problems that are far beyond the capability of a spreadsheet. It is an easy-to-use and easy-to learn programming language that is freely available on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux computers.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : HTML, PDF, ePub, etc.

Downloads : 85

Python for You and Me

This is a simple book to learn Python programming language, it is for the programmers who are new to Python.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : PDF

Downloads : 256

Python in Hydrology

This book is written for learning Python using its applications in hydrology. The book covers the basic applications of hydrology, and also the advanced topic like use of copula.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : PDF

Downloads : 63

Python Machine Learning Projects

This book tries to equip the developers of today and tomorrow with tools they can use to better understand, evaluate, and shape machine learning.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : PDF (135 Pages), ePub, and Mobi (Kindle)

Downloads : 105

Python Notes for Professionals

This book goes beyond the basics to teach beginner- and intermediate-level Python programmers the little-known tools and constructs that build concise, maintainable code. Design better architecture and write easy-to-understand code using highly adoptable techniques that result in more robust and efficient applications.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : PDF (813 pages)

Downloads : 96

Python Scientific Lecture Notes (Scipy Lecture Notes)

This book consists of a set of is tutorials on the scientific Python ecosystem: a quick introduction to central tools and techniques. The different chapters each correspond to a 1 to 2 hours course with increasing level of expertise, from beginner to expert.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : HTML and PDF Files

Downloads : 68

Python Scripting for Spatial Data Processing

This book is a Python tutorial for beginners aiming at teaching spatial data processing. It is used as part of the courses taught in Remote Sensing and GIS at Aberystwyth University, UK.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : PDF (194 pages, 695 KB)

Downloads : 77

Solving PDEs in Python: The FEniCS Tutorial I

This book offers a concise and gentle introduction to finite element programming in Python based on the popular FEniCS software library. Using a series of examples, including the Poisson equation, the equations of linear elasticity, the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations, and systems of nonlinear advection–diffusion–reaction equations, it guides readers through the essential steps to quickly solving a PDE in FEniCS, such as how to define a finite variational problem, how to set boundary conditions, how to solve linear and nonlinear systems, and how to visualize solutions and structure finite element Python programs.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : PDF

Downloads : 22

Test-Driven Development with Python

By taking you through the development of a real web application from beginning to end, this hands-on guide demonstrates the practical advantages of test-driven development (TDD) with Python. You'll learn how to write and run tests before building each part of your app, and then develop the minimum amount of code required to pass those tests. The result? Clean code that works.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : HTML

Downloads : 51

The Coder's Apprentice: Learning Programming with Python 3

This book is aimed at teaching Python 3 to students and teenagers who are completely new to programming. Contrary to many of the other books that teach Python programming, this book assumes no previous knowledge of programming on the part of the students, and contains numerous exercises that allow students to train their programming skills.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : PDF

Downloads : 47

Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics in Python

If you know how to program with Python and also know a little about probability, you're ready to tackle Bayesian statistics. With this book, you'll learn how to solve statistical problems with Python code instead of mathematical notation, and use discrete probability distributions instead of continuous mathematics. Once you get the math out of the way, the Bayesian fundamentals will become clearer, and you'll begin to apply these techniques to real-world problems.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : HTML and PDF (213 pages, 2.3 MB)

Downloads : 22

Think DSP: Digital Signal Processing in Python

This book is an introduction to signal processing and system analysis using a computational approach, using Python as the programming language. The premise of this book (like the others in the Think X series) is that if you know how to program, you can use that skill to learn other things. By the end of the first chapter, you'll be able to decompose a sound into its harmonics, modify the harmonics, and generate new sounds. Subsequent chapters follow a logical progression that develops the important ideas incrementally, with a focus on applications.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : Online

Downloads : 54

O'Reilly® Think Python, 2nd Edition, - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

Think Python is an introduction to Python programming for students with no programming experience. It starts with the most basic concepts of programming, and is carefully designed to define all terms when they are first used and to develop each new concept in a logical progression. Larger pieces, like recursion and object-oriented programming are divided into a sequence of smaller steps and introduced over the course of several chapters.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : HTML and PDF

Downloads : 31

Think Python: An Introduction to Software Design

Python for Software Design is a concise introduction to software design using the Python programming language. Intended for people with no programming experience, this book starts with the most basic concepts and gradually adds new material. Some of the ideas students find most challenging, like recursion and object-oriented programming, are divided into a sequence of smaller steps and introduced over the course of several chapters. The focus is on the programming process, with special emphasis on debugging.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : Online, PDF

Downloads : 90

Think Python - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

Think Python is an introduction to Python programming for students with no programming experience. It starts with the most basic concepts of programming, and is carefully designed to define all terms when they are first used and to develop each new concept in a logical progression. Larger pieces, like recursion and object-oriented programming are divided into a sequence of smaller steps and introduced over the course of several chapters.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : Online, PDF

Downloads : 85

Think Stats, 2nd Edition: Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

If you know how to program, you have the skills to turn data into knowledge, using tools of probability and statistics. This concise introduction shows you how to perform statistical analysis computationally, rather than mathematically, with programs written in Python.

Submitted On : 2020-08-30

Taille : HTML and PDF (242 pages, 1.8 MB)

Downloads : 26

Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python

THIS TEXTBOOK is about computer science. It is also about Python. However, there is much more. The study of algorithms and data structures is central to understanding what computer science is all about. Learning computer science is not unlike learning any other type of difficult subject matter. The only way to be successful is through deliberate and incremental exposure to the fundamental ideas. A beginning computer scientist needs practice so that there is a thorough understanding before continuing on to the more complex parts of the curriculum. In addition, a beginner needs to be given the opportunity to be successful and gain confidence.

Submitted On : 2021-05-14

Taille :

Downloads : 111

Biopython: Tutorial and Cookbook

The Biopython Project is an international association of developers tools for computationa..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (360 pages) created by Jeff Chang .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 275

Programming for Computations - Python, 2nd Edition

This book presents computer programming as a key method for solving mathematical problems...., download free Programming for Computations tutorial in PDF (350 pages) created by Svein Linge .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 270

Modeling and Simulation in Python

Modeling and Simulation in Python is an introduction to physical modeling using a computat..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (245 pages) created by .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 260

Python re(gex)?

Scripting and automation tasks often need to extract particular portions of text from inpu..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (71 pages) created by .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 273

Python Machine Learning Projects

As machine learning is increasingly leveraged to find patterns, conduct analysis, and make..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (135 pages) created by Michelle Morales .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 250

How To Code in Python 3

Extremely versatile and popular among developers, Python is a good general-purpose languag..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (458 pages) created by .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 224

Fundamentals of Python Programming

This book does not attempt to cover all the facets of the Python programming language. Exp..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (669 pages) created by .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 310

Full Speed Python

This book aims to teach the Python programming language using a practical approach. Its me..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (40 pages) created by Joao Ventura .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 240

Coffee Break Python Slicing

Puzzle-based learning is an active learning technique. With code puzzles, you will learn f..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (89 pages) created by .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 269

Exploring Data with Python

Python has become a required skill for data science, and it's easy to see why. It's powerf..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (110 pages) created by .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 201

Mastering Python

Python is a dynamic programming language. It is known for its high readability and hence i..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (486 pages) created by Rick van Hattem .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 581

Think Python, 2nd Edition

If you want to learn how to program, working with Python is an excellent way to start. Thi..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (292 pages) created by .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 273

Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python

Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python teaches you how to program in the Python langua..., download free Game Development tutorial in PDF (367 pages) created by .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 220

Raspberry Pi Cookbook for Python Programmers

The Raspberry Pi foundation has been selling their computers since 2012 with the aim of in..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (402 pages) created by .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 125

A Byte of Python

Python is one of those rare languages which can claim to be both simple and powerful. You ..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (117 pages) created by Swaroop C H .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 223

Annotated Algorithms in Python

This book is assembled from lectures given by the author over a period of 10 years at the ..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (388 pages) created by Massimo Di Pierro .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 184

Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python

There are many books that teach beginners how to write secret messages using ciphers. Ther..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (440 pages) created by .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 298

A Practical Introduction to Python Programming

This book started out as about 30 pages of notes for students in my introductory programmi..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (263 pages) created by Brian Heinold .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 271

Programming Computer Vision with Python

If you want a basic understanding of computer vision's underlying theory and algorithms, t..., download free Python tutorial in PDF (272 pages) created by Jan Erik Solem .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 263

Making Games with Python & Pygame

Making Games with Python & Pygame covers the Pygame library with the source code for 11 ga..., download free Game Development tutorial in PDF (365 pages) created by .

Submitted On : 2021-05-15

Taille :

Downloads : 264

A Byte of Python

Download free course A Byte of Python, pdf file on 117 pages by Self-publishing.

Submitted On : 2022-01-31

Taille : 4.1 MB

Downloads : 102

Annotated Algorithms in Python

Download free course Annotated Algorithms in Python, pdf file on 388 pages by by Massimo Di Pierro.

Submitted On : 2022-02-01

Taille : 4.6 MB

Downloads : 108

A Whirlwind Tour of Python

Download free course A Whirlwind Tour of Python, pdf file on 98 pages by by Jake VanderPlas.

Submitted On : 2022-02-01

Taille : 3.4 MB

Downloads : 314

Biopython: Tutorial and Cookbook

Download free course Biopython: Tutorial and Cookbook, pdf file on 360 pages by by Jeff Chang, Brad Chapman, Iddo Friedberg, Thomas Hamelryck, Michiel de Hoon, Peter Cock, Tiago Antao, Eric Talevich, Bartek Wilczy?ski.

Submitted On : 2022-02-01

Taille : 3.0 MB

Downloads : 131

Full Speed Python

Download free course Full Speed Python, pdf file on 39 pages by João Ventura.

Submitted On : 2022-02-02

Taille : 1.1 MB

Downloads : 189

Fundamentals of Python Programming

Download free course Fundamentals of Python Programming, pdf file on 669 pages by Richard L. Halterman.

Submitted On : 2022-02-02

Taille : 13.1 MB

Downloads : 276

Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python

Download free course Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python, pdf file on 442 pages by Al Sweigart.

Submitted On : 2022-02-02

Taille : 3.9 MB

Downloads : 271

How To Code in Python 3

Download free course How To Code in Python 3, pdf file on 459 pages by Lisa Tagliaferri.

Submitted On : 2022-02-02

Taille : 5.0 MB

Downloads : 112

How to Make Mistakes in Python

Download free course How to Make Mistakes in Python, pdf file on 82 pages by Mike Pirnat.

Submitted On : 2022-02-02

Taille : 1.9 MB

Downloads : 102

Learning Python Matplotlib

Download free course Learning Python Matplotlib, pdf file on 97 pages by Stack Overflow Community.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 3.2 MB

Downloads : 203

Making Games with Python & Pygame

Download free course Making Games with Python & Pygame, pdf file on 365 pages by Al Sweigart.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 5.6 MB

Downloads : 188

Modeling and Simulation in Python

Download free course Modeling and Simulation in Python, pdf file on 247 pages by Allen Downey.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 2.3 MB

Downloads : 170

Practices of the Python Pro

Download free course Practices of the Python Pro, pdf file on 248 pages by Dane Hillard.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille :

Downloads : 322

Programming Computer Vision with Python

Download free course Programming Computer Vision with Python, pdf file on 300 pages by Jan Erik Solem.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 13.6 MB

Downloads : 88

Programming for Computations - Python

Download free course Programming for Computations - Python, pdf file on 350 pages by Svein Linge, Hans Petter Langtangen.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 7.3 MB

Downloads : 115

Programming for Computations - Python

Download free course Programming for Computations - Python, pdf file on 244 pages by Svein Linge, Hans Petter Langtangen.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 4.5 MB

Downloads : 188

Python Data Science Handbook

Download free course Python Data Science Handbook, pdf file on 548 pages by Jake VanderPlas.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille :

Downloads : 289

Python for Everybody

Download free course Python for Everybody, pdf file on 247 pages by Dr. Charles Severance.

Submitted On : 2022-02-03

Taille : 2.4 MB

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Python Notes for Professionals

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Python re(gex)?

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Think Python

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Python Tutorial for Beginners in PDF

In this tutorial, we will introduce you to the basic concepts of Python programming in an informal manner.

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