Download free Python tutorial course in PDF, training file in 201 chapters and 816 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.
Table of contents
- About
- Getting started with Python Language
- Getting Started
- Creating variables and assigning values
- Block Indentation
- Datatypes
- Collection Types
- IDLE - Python GUI
- User Input
- Built in Modules and Functions
- Creating a module
- Installation of Python 27x and 3x
- String function - str() and repr()
- Installing external modules using pip
- Help Utility
- Python Data Types
- String Data Type
- Set Data Types
- Numbers data type
- List Data Type
- Dictionary Data Type
- Tuple Data Type
- Indentation
- Simple example
- How Indentation is Parsed
- Indentation Errors
- Comments and Documentation
- Single line, inline and multiline comments
- Programmatically accessing docstrings
- Write documentation using docstrings
- Date and Time
- Parsing a string into a timezone aware datetime object
- Constructing timezone-aware datetimes
- Computing time di?erences
- Basic datetime objects usage
- Switching between time zones
- Simple date arithmetic
- Converting timestamp to datetime
- Subtracting months from a date accurately
- Parsing an arbitrary ISO 8601 timestamp with minimal libraries
- Get an ISO 8601 timestamp
- Parsing a string with a short time zone name into a timezone aware datetime object
- Fuzzy datetime parsing (extracting datetime out of a text)
- Iterate over dates
- Date Formatting
- Time between two date-times
- Outputting datetime object to string
- Python Data Types
- Comments and Documentation
- Date Formatting
- Set
- Bitwise Operators
- Operator Precedence
- Conditionals
- Loops
- Multidimensional arrays
- List
- List slicing (selecting parts of lists)
- Linked lists
- Filter
- Tuple
- Files & Folders I/O
- Iterables and Iterators
- Defining functions with list arguments
- Partial functions
- Classes
- String Formatting
- Using loops within functions
- Difference between Module and Package
- Complex math
- Operator module
- Sqlite3 Module
- The locale Module
- Asyncio Module
- Functools Module
- The base64 Module
- Deque Module
- tkinter
- pyautogui module
- Indexing and Slicing
- Plotting with Matplotlib
- graph-tool
- Generators
- Reduce
- Map Function
- Exponentiation
- Searching
- Sorting, Minimum and Maximum
- Counting
- The Print Function
- Regular Expressions (Regex)
- Copying data
- Context Managers (“with” Statement)
- The __name__ special variable
- Checking Path Existence and Permissions
- Creating Python packages
- Usage of "pip" module: PyPI Package Manager
- pip: PyPI Package Manager
- Parsing Command Line arguments
- Subprocess Library
- Recursion
- Type Hints
- Exceptions
- Raise Custom Errors / Exceptions
- Commonwealth Exceptions
- urllib
- Web scraping with Python
- HTML Parsing
- Manipulating XML
- Python Requests Post
- Distribution
- Property Objects
- Overloading
- Polymorphism
- Method Overriding
- User-Defined Methods
- String representations of class instances: __str__ and __repr__ methods
- Debugging
- Reading and Writing CSV
- Writing to CSV from String or List
- Dynamic code execution with `exec` and `eval`
- PyInstaller - Distributing Python Code
- Data Visualization with Python
- The Interpreter (Command Line Console)
- *args and **kwargs
- Garbage Collection
- Pickle data serialisation
- Binary Data
- Idioms
- Data Serialization
- Multiprocessing
- Multithreading
- Processes and Threads
- Python concurrency
- Parallel computation
- Sockets
- Websockets
- Sockets And Message Encryption/Decryption Between Client and Server
- Python Networking
- Python HTTP Server
- Flask
- Introduction to RabbitMQ using AMQPStorm
- Descriptor
- tempfile NamedTemporaryFile
- Input, Subset and Output External Data Files using Pandas
- Unzipping Files
- Working with ZIP archives
- Getting start with GZip
- Stack
- Working around the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
- Deployment
- Logging
- Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI)
- Python Server Sent Events
- Alternatives to switch statement from other languages
- List destructuring (aka packing and unpacking)
- Accessing Python source code and bytecode
- Mixins
- Attribute Access
- ArcPy
- Abstract Base Classes (abc)
- Plugin and Extension Classes
- Immutable datatypes(int, float, str, tuple and frozensets)
- Incompatibilities moving from Python 2 to Python 3
- 2to3 tool
- Non-official Python implementations
- Abstract syntax tree
- Unicode and bytes
- Python Serial Communication (pyserial)
- Neo4j and Cypher using Py2Neo
- Basic Curses with Python
- Templates in python
- Pillow
- The pass statement
- CLI subcommands with precise help output
- Database Access
- Connecting Python to SQL Server
- PostgreSQL
- Python and Excel
- Turtle Graphics
- Python Persistence
- Design Patterns
- hashlib
- Creating a Windows service using Python
- Mutable vs Immutable (and Hashable) in Python
- configparser
- Optical Character Recognition
- Virtual environments
- Python Virtual Environment - virtualenv
- Virtual environment with virtualenvwrapper
- Create virtual environment with virtualenvwrapper in windows
- sys
- ChemPy - python package
- pygame
- Pyglet
- Audio
- pyaudio
- shelve
- IoT Programming with Python and Raspberry PI
- kivy - Cross-platform Python Framework for NUI Development
- Pandas Transform: Preform operations on groups and concatenate the results
- Similarities in syntax, Differences in meaning: Python vs. JavaScript
- Call Python from C#
- ctypes
- Writing extensions
- Python Lex-Yacc
- Unit Testing
- py.test
- Profiling
- Python speed of program
- Performance optimization
- Security and Cryptography
- Secure Shell Connection in Python
- Python Anti-Patterns
- Common Pitfalls
- Hidden Features
It is a free Python ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many Python developers and contributors.
The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA
Size : | 5.93 MB |
Downloads: | 2008 |
Created: | 2019-04-30 |
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