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Making Games with Python & Pygame

Download free course Making Games with Python & Pygame, pdf file on 365 pages by Al Sweigart.
Making Games with Python & Pygame covers the Pygame library with the source code for 11 games. Making Games was written as a sequel for the same age range as Invent with Python. Once you have an understanding of the basics of Python programming, you can now expand your abilities using the Pygame library to make games with graphics, animation, and sound.

This book features seven different games that are clones of popular games that you've probably already played. The games are a lot more fun and interactive than the text-based games in Invent with Python, but are still fairly short. All of the programs are less than 600 lines long. This is pretty small when you consider that professional games you download or buy in a store can be hundreds of thousands of lines long. These games require an entire team of programmers and artists working with each other for months or years to make.

The book features the source code to 11 games. The games are clones of classics such as Nibbles, Tetris, Simon, Bejeweled, Othello, Connect Four, Flood It, and others.

Table of contents

Pages : 365
Size : 5.6 MB
Downloads: 193
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Author(s): Al Sweigart

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