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Learning to Program Using Python

An introduction to computer programming, using the easy, yet powerful, Python programming language. Python, a cross-platform language used by such organizations as Google and NASA, lets you work quickly and efficiently, allowing you to concentrate on your work rather than the language.

The core Python language (both versions 2.x and 3.x) is discussed, as well as an introduction to graphical user interface creation. The ideas covered in this book provide the reader with many major programming topics, applicable to a wide variety of programming languages. After reading this book, the reader should be able to quickly create simple to medium-level programs and be prepared to tackle more complex programming tasks.

Pages : 230 pages
Size : PDF (268 pages, 1.64 MB)
Downloads: 73
Created: 2020-08-29
License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Author(s): Cody Jackson

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