The Coder's Apprentice

The Coder's Apprentice is a course book, written by Pieter Spronck, that is aimed at teaching Python 3 to students and teenagers who are completely new to programming. Contrary to many of the other books that teach Python programming, this book assumes no previous knowledge of programming on the part of the students, and contains numerous exercises that allow students to train their programming skills. The goal of this book is to teach anyone how to create useful programs in Python. It should be usable by secondary school students, and university and college students for whom computer programming is not naturally incorporated in their course program. Its aim is to give anyone the means to become proficient in programming, and as such get prepared to perform well in the 21st century job market.
Download free tutorial in PDF (398 pages) created by Pieter Spronck .
Pages : 398
Size :
File type : HTML
Downloads: 258
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): Pieter Spronck
The Coder's Apprentice

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