iOS App Reverse Engineering

This book is the world's first book of very detailed iOS App reverse engineering skills, targeting 4 kinds of readers:

The book consists of 4 parts, i.e. concepts, tools, theories and practices. The book follows an "abstraction, concrete, abstraction, concrete" structure, starting from basic concepts like iOS filesystem hierarchy and iOS file types that Apple didn't expose to App developers but iOS (jailbreak) researchers should know, then goes through the most commonly used tools like class-dump, Theos, Cycript, Reveal, IDA and LLDB to introduce what to do in iOS reverse engineering. After that, iOS reverse engineering theories based on Objective-C and ARM assembly are explained in a methodological way, pointing out the core of this book. Last but not least, 4 originally elaborated practices are there to cover all previous contents of the book and give you the most intuitive perception of iOS reverse engineering. Happy hacking!

Pages : /Paperback: N/A
Size : PDF (442 Pages, 16.4 MB)
File type : pdf
Downloads: 114
Created: 2020-08-29
License: MIT License
Author(s): Snakeninny, Zishe Sha, Dustin L. Howett (Praface)
iOS App Reverse Engineering

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