Digital Video Concepts, Methods, and Metrics

Digital Video Concepts, Methods, and Metrics: Quality, Compression, Performance, and Power Trade-off Analysis is a concise reference for professionals in a wide range of applications and vocations. It focuses on giving the reader mastery over the concepts, methods and metrics of digital video coding, so that readers have sufficient understanding to choose and tune coding parameters for optimum results that would suit their particular needs for quality, compression, speed and power. The practical aspects are many: Uploading video to the Internet is only the beginning of a trend where a consumer controls video quality and speed by trading off various other factors. Open source and proprietary applications such as video e-mail, private party content generation, editing and archiving, and cloud asset management would give further control to the end-user.
Download free tutorial in PDF (368 pages) created by Shahriar Akramullah .
Pages : 368
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File type : PDF
Downloads: 66
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): Shahriar Akramullah
Digital Video Concepts, Methods, and Metrics

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