OpenIntro Statistics, 4th Edition

OpenIntro Statistics offers a traditional introduction to statistics at the college level. This textbook is widely used at the college level and offers an exceptional and accessible introduction for students from community colleges to the Ivy League. The textbook has been thoroughly vetted with an estimated 20,000 students using it annually. Self-study learners will be excited to find that: The textbook is well-maintained and is now in its 4th Edition; OpenIntro is heavily used in industry since it focuses on applied statistics; Additional resources on, including videos and labs, help learners of all types.
Download free tutorial in PDF (422 pages) created by David Diez .
Pages : 422
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File type : HTML
Downloads: 222
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): David Diez
OpenIntro Statistics, 4th Edition

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