Hacking Portugal

Download free course Hacking Portugal, pdf file on 67 pages by Dinis Cruz.
As technology and software become more and more important to Portuguese society, it is time for Portugal to take them more seriously, and become a real player in that world. This book discusses several ideas to make Portugal a place where programming, TDD, Open Source, learning how to code, hacking (aka bug-bounty style), and DevOps receive the consideration, investment and respect that they deserve. Application Security can act as an enabler for this transformation, due to its focus on how code and apps work, and its enormous advances in secure-coding, testing, dev-ops and quality.

Table of contents

  • Portugal should be hostile to insecure code
  • PHS - Portuguese Hacking Service
  • Made in Portugal
  • Past innovations
  • How Secure is Portugal?
  • Public health analogy
  • Hack like football
  • Hacking
  • Open Source
  • Privacy
  • Government
  • Investment in infrastructure
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Actions and recommendations
  • Why Portugal?
Pages : 67
Size : 0.6 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 110
Created: 2022-02-02
License: CC BY
Author(s): Dinis Cruz
Hacking Portugal

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