Download Oracle training document

This pdf tutorial provides a complet lessons about Oracle in order to become familiar with Oracle architecture and able to managinig database.

This training document is designated for inexperienced Oracle users.

How to being an Oracle database operator or administrator ?

Table of contents

  • History of Oracle
  • Starting Out with Oracle
  • Concepts of Oracle
  • Required Software
  • Oracle Configurations
  • The Oracle Architecture
  • Installing Oracle Software
  • Basic Duties of the DBA
  • Recovering the Database
  • What is a DDL statement?
  • What is a DML statement?
  • Administering Oracle Replication
  • Advanced Oracle Options
  • The Physical Layer
  • The Logical Layer
  • The Database Schema
  • The Oracle Memory Structure
  • The Library Cache
Size : 6,625.88 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 2217
Created: 2015-12-08

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