SQL Interview Questions free PDF

Download free course SQL Interview Questions free PDF, pdf file on 17 pages by tutorialkart.com.

In this tutorial, we shall go through the basic and yet most frequently asked SQL Interview Questions.

Table of contents
  • SQL Interview Questions
  • Q1 - What do you mean by Data, DataBase and DataBase Management Systems?
  • Q2 - What is the difference between SQL and SQL server?
  • Q3 - What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
  • Q4 - What is a key and what are different types of keys?
  • Q5 - What is the basic difference between DELETE, DROP and TRUNCATE commands?
  • Q6 - Which query is used to rename a column in a particular table?
  • Q7 - What are the specifying attribute constraints and attribute defaults in SQL?
  • Q8 - What is the built-in-function to count the total number of record in the table?
  • Q9 - Which query is used to display the current date(today’s) date in the system?
  • Q10 - What are set operations in SQL?
  • Q11 - What is a join clause and what are the types of joins in SQL?
  • Q12 - What do we need PL/SQL even though we haveSQL?
  • Q13 - What is a cursor?
  • Q14 - What are cursor attributes?
  • Q15 - What do you mean by triggers?
  • Q16 - What is normalization and what are different normal forms?
  • Q17 - When do we call a table is in first normal form?
  • Q18 - When do we call a table is in second normal form?
  • Q19 - When do we call a table is in third normal form?
  • Q20 - When do we calla table is in Boyce and Codd Normal Form (BCNF)?
  • Q21 - When do we call a table is in Fourth Normal Form (4NF)?
  • Q22 - Why do we need indexing?
  • Q23 - What is a relationship and what are they?
  • Q24 - What are all the different types of indexes?
  • Q25 - What is a Stored Procedure?
  • Q26 -  What is Data Integrity?
  • Q27 - What are aggregate and scalar functions?
  • Q28 - How do you create an empty table from an existing table?
  • Q29 - How to select unique records from a table?
  • Q30 - Which operator is used in the query for pattern matching?
  • Q31 - What do you mean by  DDL, DML, and DCL in SQL?
  • Q32 - Explain set operations in SQL?
  • Q33 - What is Collation?
  • Q34 - Explain the working of SQL Privileges?
  • Q35 - What are Nested Triggers?
  • Q36 - What is the difference between UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints?
  • Q37 - What do you mean by SQL Injection?
  • Q38 - Write an SQL Query to find the name of students whose name Start with ‘M’?
  • Q39 - Write an SQL Query to display the current data?
  • Q40 - What is the difference between the WHERE and HAVING clause?
  • Q41 - Write a query to find a duplicate record in one field and also find the duplicate record with more than one field?
  • Q42 - How do we use DISTINCT statement? What is its use?
  • Q43 - What is the difference between nested subqueries and correlated nested subqueries?
  • Q44 - How can you save all changes made by DML statements?
  • Q45 - How can you undo the transactions that have not already been saved to the database?
  • Q46 - Is NULL value same as blank space or zero?
  • Q47 - What is the difference between IN and BETWEEN operator in SQL?
  • Q48 - Do the views have data in the table?
  • Q49 - What is the difference between GROUP BY and ORDER BY statements?
  • Q50 - How will you find the name of the student with the third largest mark in a class?
  • Q51 - What is the difference between primary key and unique constraints?
  • Q52 - What are the desirable properties of transactions?
  • Q53 - What are clustered and non-clustered Indexes?
  • Q54 - When an explicit cursor needed?
  • Q55 - What are the advantages of Views?
  • Q56 - What is AutoIncrement?
  • Q57 - What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Stored Procedure?
  • Q58 - What is the difference between Rename and Alias?
  • Q59 - What is the order of SQL SELECT?
  • Q60 - What is the SQL CASE statement?
Pages : 17
Size : 0.2 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 163
Created: 2022-07-02
License: Free
Author(s): tutorialkart.com
SQL Interview Questions free PDF

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