Learning MySQL

Download free course intituled Learning MySQL, a PDF document created by StackOverflow Documentation, a 300-page tutorial on the basics of this language to learn and manipulate databases created with MySQL.

Table of contents

  • Get started with MySQL
  • Examples of information schemas
  • ALTER table add INDEX
  • Change the auto increment value
  • Renaming a MySQL table
  • Renaming a column in a MySQL table
  • import Export
  • MySQL client
  • Basic connection
  • Execute commands
  • Run the command from a string
  • Comment Mysql
  • Add comments
  • Definitions of comment tables
  • Configuring the SSL connection
  • Add keys to MySQL
  • Test the SSL connection
  • SSL application
  • Configuration and adjustment
  • InnoDB minimum configuration
  • Securing MySQL Encryption
  • Connection with UTF-8 using various programming languages.
  • Basic conversion
  • Convert all tables in a database
  • Creation of databases
  • Create a database, users and grants
  • Table creation
  • Base table creation
  • Set default values
  • Table creation with primary key
  • Delete all rows from a table
  • Delete deletions
  • TINYINT as an alternative
  • VARCHAR as an alternative
  • Add a new option
  • Error 1055: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY: Something is not in the clause
  • Regular expressions
  • Read the value of the JSON array
  • Server information
  • INSERT SELECT (Insert data from another table)
  • Install the Mysql Container with Docker-Compose
  • What character set and what collection?
  • Defining character sets on tables and fields
  • JOINS: Join 3 table with the same id name.
  • Inner-join for 3 tables
  • Joined visualization
  • Insert a simple JSON
  • Insert mixed data into a JSON field.
  • Have an INDEX
  • Limit and Offset Relationship
  • LIMIT clause with an argument
  • LIMIT clause with two arguments
  • MySQL Admin
  • Select the optimization of the declaration
  • Optimizing the storage layout for InnoDB tables
  • Build a composite index
  • LOWER () / LCASE ()
  • UPPER () / UCASE ()
  • LENGTH()
  • HEX (str)
  • Date and time operations
  • Group using the MIN function
  • Group using Group Concat
  • GROUP BY with AGGREGATE functions
  • partitioning
  • Using backticks
  • Create a function
  • Create a procedure with built preparation
  • Stored Procedure with IN, OUT, INOUT Parameters
Size : 2134.07 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 3850
Created: 2019-04-21

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