How To Build a Website With CSS and HTML

Download free course How To Build a Website With CSS and HTML, pdf file on 172 pages by Erin Glass.
This project-based eBook will introduce you to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), a stylesheet language used to control the presentation of websites, by building a personal website using our demonstration site as a model. Though our demonstration site features Sammy the Shark, you can switch out Sammy's information with your own if you wish to personalize your site.

Alongside HTML and JavaScript, CSS is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web. If you have some understanding of HTML and are looking to grow your front-end development skills, learning CSS is a great next step.

The first half of this book will introduce CSS through hands-on exercises and the second half of the tutorial series will provide steps for recreating the demonstration website.

By the end of this CSS book, you will have files ready for deploying a website to the cloud, as well as an understanding of how to continue modifying the site's design with HTML and CSS. You will also have a foundation for learning additional front-end web development skills (such as JavaScript) and frameworks (like Tailwind).

Table of contents

  • A Brief Introduction To CSS
  • How To Set Up Your CSS and HTML Practice Project With a Code Editor
  • How To Understand and Create CSS Rules
  • How To Declare Values For Multiple Properties In a CSS Rule
  • How To Style Images With CSS
  • How To Create Classes With CSS
  • How To Create IDs with CSS
  • How To Create Pseudo-classes With CSS
  • How To Style the HTML <div> element with CSS
  • How To Adjust the Content, Padding, Border, and Margins of an HTML Element With CSS
  • How To Set Up Your CSS and HTML Website Project
  • An Overview of Our Demonstration HTML and CSS Website
  • How To Style the Body of a Website With CSS
  • How To Build the Header Section of Your Website With CSS
  • How To Build the About Me Section of Your Website With CSS
  • How To Build a Tiled Layout With CSS
  • How To Add a Resume or Employment History Section To Your Website With CSS
  • How To Add Your Educational History and Skills To Your Website Using CSS
  • How To Create a Featured Quote Box On Your Website Using CSS
  • How To Create a Static Footer With HTML and CSS
Pages : 172
Size : 13.2 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 242
Created: 2022-02-02
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Author(s): Erin Glass
How To Build a Website With CSS and HTML

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