Modern C

Modern C focuses on the new and unique features of modern C programming. The book is based on the latest C standards and offers an up-to-date perspective on this tried-and-true language. C is extraordinarily modern for a 50-year-old programming language. Whether you're writing embedded code, low-level system routines, or high-performance applications, C is up to the challenge. This unique book, based on the latest C standards, exposes a modern perspective of this tried-and-true language. Modern C introduces you to modern day C programming, emphasizing the unique and new features of this powerful language. For new C coders, it starts with fundamentals like structure, grammar, compilation, and execution. From there, you'll advance to control structures, data types, operators, and functions, as you gain a deeper understanding of what's happening under the hood. In the final chapters, you'll explore performance considerations, reentrancy, atomicity, threads, and type-generic programming. You'll code as you go with concept-reinforcing exercises and skill-honing challenges along the way.
Download free tutorial in PDF (496 pages) created by Jens Gustedt .
Pages : 496
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File type : HTML
Downloads: 240
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): Jens Gustedt
Modern C

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