Entity Framework tutorial for professionals

Download free Entity Framework tutorial course in PDF, training file in 23 chapters and 94 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.

Table of contents

  • About
  • Getting started with Entity Framework
  • Installing the Entity Framework NuGet Package
  • Using Entity Framework from C# (Code First)
  • What is Entity Framework?
  • Code First Conventions
  • Removing Conventions
  • Primary Key Convention
  • Type Discovery
  • DecimalPropertyConvention
  • Relationship Convention
  • Foreign Key Convention
  • Code First DataAnnotations
  • [Column] attribute
  • [DatabaseGenerated] attribute
  • [Required] attribute
  • [MaxLength] and [MinLength] attributes
  • [InverseProperty(string)] attribute
  • [ComplexType] attribute
  • [ForeignKey(string)] attribute
  • [Range(min,max)] attribute
  • [NotMapped] attribute
  • [Table] attribute
  • [Index] attribute
  • [Key] attribute
  • [StringLength(int)] attribute
  • [Timestamp] attribute
  • [ConcurrencyCheck] Attribute
  • Entity Framework Code First
  • Connect to an existing database
  • Entity framework Code First Migrations
  • Enable Migrations
  • Add your ?rst migration
  • Doing "Update-Database" within your code
  • Seeding Data during migrations
  • Initial Entity Framework Code First Migration Step by Step
  • Using Sql() during migrations
  • Inheritance with EntityFramework (Code First)
  • Table per hierarchy
  • Table per type
  • Code First - Fluent API
  • Mapping models
  • Composite Primary Key
  • Maximum Length
  • Primary Key
  • Required properties (NOT NULL)
  • Code First Conventions
  • Entity Framework Code First
  • Inheritance with EntityFramework (Code First)
  • Mapping relationship with Entity Framework Code First: One-to-one and variations
  • Database first model generation
  • Database Initialisers
  • Transactions
  • Loading related entities
  • Entity Framework with PostgreSQL
  • .t4 templates in entity framework
  • Best Practices For Entity Framework (Simple & Professional)

It is a free Entity Framework ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many Entity Framework developers and contributors.

The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA

Size : 1.48 MB
File type : pdf
Downloads: 111
Created: 2019-04-30

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