Java Persistence and Hibernate Guide for developer

This PDF tutorial provides you an introduction to Java Persistence and Hibernate including the code snippets and complete working examples. 

This guide is based on :

  • Explanations with complete working examples
  • Potential problems are investigated in detail
  • Best Practices
  • The important features

Download free training document material in PDF for developer who wants to learn the basics of Hibernate.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Introduction to Hibernate
  • First Hibernate example
  • Hibernate basics
  • Hibernate Concepts
  • Hibernate problem
  • Working with Objects
  • Java Persistence and Hibernate
  • Hibernate API
  • EntityManager API
  • A more complex example – web application
  • Annotation mapping
  • XML Mapping
  • Primary key mapping
  • Natural versus Surrogate Ids
  • Relation mapping
  • Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
  • Recursive relation
  • Composition as set of many classes 
  • Use Case 
  • Overview on mapping approaches 
  • Joined Inheritance 
  • Joined Inheritance with Discriminator
  • Union Inheritance 
  • XML Includes 
  • Mapped Super Class 
  • Native SQL 
  • Building applications and Architecture
  • Data Access Objects 
  • Best practices and DAO 
  • Data Access Objects DAO
  • Hibernate Session 
  • JDBC transactions with ThreadLocal 
  • Integration with other technologies 
  • Hibernate and Spring 
  • Hibernate and Struts 
  • Reporting queries
Size : 2,327.40 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 391
Created: 2016-07-06

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