Using .NET Core, Docker, and Kubernetes Succinctly

Download free course Using .NET Core, Docker, and Kubernetes Succinctly, pdf file on 91 pages by Michele Aponte.
Terms like container and Docker, unknown to Microsoft programmers until now, have recently become essential in technical discussions about the development, distribution, and management of our applications. Containers can solve some of programmers' everyday problems, but a challenge with them is managing their lifecycles and the communication among them. So we need to choose a container technology, with Docker being the most commonly used, and an orchestrator, with Kubernetes being the best choice today. In Using .NET Core, Docker, and Kubernetes Succinctly, Michele Aponte will walk you through using Docker and Kubernetes with a .NET Core example application.

Table of contents

  • ASP.NET and Docker Together
  • Create Your Application with Docker
  • Deploy Your Application on Kubernetes
  • Deploy the Database
  • Production Time
Pages : 91
Size : 6.0 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 114
Created: 2022-02-03
License: For personal or educational use
Author(s): Michele Aponte
Using .NET Core, Docker, and Kubernetes Succinctly

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