The JavaScript Way

Download free course The JavaScript Way, pdf file on 288 pages by Baptiste Pesquet.
Love it or hate it, JavaScript is avidly eating the world of software development. From web sites and apps to servers, smartphones and connected objects, JavaScript is everywhere. It has evolved from a niche scripting tool crafted in a few days into a modern, multi-purpose language sitting on top of a rich ecosystem and a vibrant developer community. Some even consider JavaScript to be the most important technology in software development nowadays.

However, learning JavaScript properly is not that easy. Many resources are outdated and teach obsolete practices. Many others cover advanced topics that are of little interest to beginners and "switchers" coming from other languages and platforms.

This book aims to be a useful companion for anyone wishing to (re)discover the many facets of JavaScript.

Table of contents

  • Learn to code programs
  • Create interactive web pages
  • Build web applications
Pages : 288
Size : 5.6 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 198
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Author(s): Baptiste Pesquet
The JavaScript Way

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