Using the Web to Build the IoT

The Internet of Things offers us an internet that is becoming more than just a mass of multimedia content. The IoT extends into the physical, real-time world using a myriad of tiny computers. It's a system of physical objects that can be discovered, monitored, controlled, and interacted with by electronic devices that communicate over various networking interfaces and can be connected to the wider internet. Using the Web to Build the IoT is a collection of six hand-picked chapters that introduce the key technologies and concepts for building the application layer of the IoT. Dominique D. Guinard and Vlad Trifa, authors of Building the Web of Things, selected these specific topics to give you an overview of the Web of Things architecture, along with techniques for data ingestion, searching, security, and visualization. Plus, you'll get a sample of some other Manning books you may want to add to your library.
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Pages : 176
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Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Using the Web to Build the IoT

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