
This book is a great collection of ideas, tricks, and skills that could be useful for Hackers. It's a unique extraction reference, summarizes a lot of research and experience in order to achieve your w00t in the shortest and smartest way. Rubyfu is where you'll find plug-n-hack code. Rubyfu is a book to use not only to read, it's where ruby goes evil. Who should read this book? Ideally, Hackers! Those who have enough experience to hack our world and have at least basics in the Ruby programming language. Use the irb/pry interactive interpreter to run the code, or run it as a script.
Download free tutorial in PDF (281 pages) created by RubyFu .
Pages : 281
Size :
File type : HTML
Downloads: 237
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): RubyFu

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