Programming on Parallel Machines: GPU, Multicore, Clusters and More

Parallel machines provide a wonderful opportunity for applications with large computational requirements. Effeective use of these machines, though, requires a keen understanding of how they work. In only a few years, many standard software products will be based on concepts of parallel programming implemented on such hardware, and the range of applications will be much broader than that of scientific computing, up to now the main application area for parallel computing.

The main goal of the book is to present parallel programming techniques that can be used in many situations for many application areas and which enable the reader to develop correct and efficient parallel programs. Many examples and exercises are provided to show how to apply the techniques

Pages : N/A
Size : Multiple formats: PDF (410 page, 2.55 MB), ePUB, Kindle, Text, etc.
File type : pdf
Downloads: 17
Created: 2020-08-30
License: CC BY-ND 3.0 US
Author(s): Norm Matloff
Programming on Parallel Machines: GPU, Multicore, Clusters and More

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