Advances in Flight Control Systems

Nonlinear problems in flight control have stimulated cooperation among engineers and scientists from a range of disciplines. Developments in computer technology allowed for numerical solutions of nonlinear control problems, while industrial recognition and applications of nonlinear mathematical models in solving technological problems is increasing.

The aim of the book Advances in Flight Control Systems is to bring together reputable researchers from different countries in order to provide a comprehensive coverage of advanced and modern topics in flight control not yet reflected by other books. This product comprises 14 contributions submitted by 38 authors from 11 different countries and areas. It covers most of the currents main streams of flight control researches, ranging from adaptive flight control mechanism, fault tolerant flight control, acceleration based flight control, helicopter flight control, comparison of flight control systems and fundamentals. According to these themes the contributions are grouped in six categories, corresponding to six parts of the book.

Pages : 310 pages
Size : PDF files
File type : pdf
Downloads: 14
Created: 2020-08-26
License: Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
Author(s): Maria Agneta Balint
Advances in Flight Control Systems

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