Laravel 5 Official Documentation

Get your hands on the Laravel 5.x Official Documentation in a free and convenient PDF format. Authored by Gary Blankenship, this extensive guide comprises 1211 pages of Laravel's official documentation. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you'll find everything you need to know about Laravel 5.x in this comprehensive ebook. It covers everything from the basics of installation to the most advanced features, with detailed explanations and code examples. Get started with Laravel 5.x today and elevate your web development skills to the next level.

Table of contents

  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Environment Configuration
  • Accessing Configuration Values
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Directory Structure
  • The Root Directory
  • Laravel Homestead
  • Installation & Setup
  • Daily Usage
  • Debugging & Profiling
  • Network Interfaces
  • Provider Specific Settings
  • Laravel Valet
  • Sharing Sites
  • Site Specific Environment Variables
  • Custom Valet Drivers
  • Other Valet Commands
  • Valet Directories & Files
  • Deployment
  • Optimization
  • Deploying With Forge
  • Request Lifecycle
  • Focus On Service Providers
  • Service Container
  • Binding
  • Resolving

About this tiurial : Laravel 5

This tutorial covers all aspects of Laravel 5, from installation to deployment and optimization. You will learn how to configure and access configuration values, set up environment configurations, and use maintenance mode. The directory structure and root directory are explained in detail, as well as the use of Laravel Homestead and Valet. You will also learn how to debug and profile your application, work with network interfaces and provider-specific settings. Additionally, this tutorial covers the request lifecycle, service providers, service containers, binding, and resolving. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a thorough understanding of Laravel 5 and be able to optimize your application for deployment.

Pages : 1211
Size : 5.3 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 241
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-SA
Author(s): Gary Blankenship

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