Cloud Native Applications

Cloud computing is a game changer. Being able to automate and constantly adjust infrastructure is one important reason to use cloud computing for your clients. And developing and operating systems that are able to recover from failure automatically has never been easier. Cloud providers offer you the needed infrastructure for a very reasonable price and technologies like messaging systems and load balancers allow you to decouple different parts of your system and plan for failure. Cloud Native Applications is a collection of hand-picked chapters presenting five topics that will give you insights into the world of cloud computing. Michael and Andreas Wittig, authors of Amazon Web Services in Action, selected these specific topics to teach you how you can gain value from cloud computing. You'll learn how to use Amazon Web Services, one of the most popular public cloud providers. You'll get to know to Docker and Mesos to automate and manage your cloud infrastructure. Decoupling different parts of your system is possible by using a messaging infrastructure, which you'll learn about in the RabbitMQ chapter. And you'll discover different use cases for Netty, a framework that helps you to build solid networking communication into your applications for the cloud. Plus, you'll get a sample of some other Manning books you may want to add to your library.
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Created: 2021-05-15
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Cloud Native Applications

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