Building Real-World Cloud Apps with Windows Azure

Download free course Building Real-World Cloud Apps with Windows Azure, pdf file on 211 pages by by Tom Dykstra, Rick Anderson, Mike Wasson.
This book walks you through a patterns-based approach to building real-world cloud solutions. The patterns apply to the development process as well as to architecture and coding practices.

Developers who are curious about developing for the cloud, considering a move to the cloud, or are new to cloud development will find here a concise overview of the most important concepts and practices they need to know. The concepts are illustrated with concrete examples, and each chapter links to other resources for more in-depth information. The examples and the links to additional resources are for Microsoft frameworks and services, but the principles illustrated apply to other web development frameworks and cloud environments as well.

Developers who are already developing for the cloud may find ideas here that will help make them more successful. Each chapter in the series can be read independently, so you can pick and choose topics that you're interested in.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Automate Everything
  • Source Control
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
  • Web Development Best Practices
  • Single Sign-On
  • Data Storage Options
  • Data Partitioning Strategies
  • Unstructured Blob Storage
  • Design to Survive Failures
  • Monitoring and Telemetry
  • Transient Fault Handling
  • Distributed Caching
  • Queue-Centric Work Pattern
  • More Patterns and Guidance
  • The Fix It Sample Application
Pages : 211
Size : 6.5 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 56
Created: 2022-02-01
License: Open Publication License
Author(s): by Tom Dykstra, Rick Anderson, Mike Wasson
Building Real-World Cloud Apps with Windows Azure

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