Database Design, 2nd Edition

This book covers database systems and database design concepts. It provides short, easy-to-read explanations of how to get database design right the first time. It also offers numerous examples to help you avoid the many pitfalls that entrap new and not-so-new database designers.

Database design is not an exact science. Many are surprised to find that problems with their databases are caused by poor design rather than by difficulties in using the database management software. This book helps you ask and answer important questions about your data so you can understand the problem you are trying to solve and create a pragmatic design capturing the essentials while leaving the door open for refinements and extension at a later stage.

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File type : pdf
Downloads: 67
Created: 2020-08-28
License: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Author(s): Adrienne Watt, Nelson Eng
Database Design, 2nd Edition

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