Migrating SQL Server Databases to Azure

Download free course Migrating SQL Server Databases to Azure, pdf file on 174 pages by Carl Rabeler.
SQL Server is Microsoft's relational database management system (RDBMS). SQL Server can now be hosted entirely in Microsoft Azure, either in a hosted virtual machine (VM) or as a hosted service. Hosting a virtual machine in Azure is known as infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and hosting a service in Azure is known as platform as a service (PaaS). Microsoft's hosted version of SQL Server is known as Azure SQL Database or just SQL Database that is optimized for software as a service (SaaS) app development.

This ebook, Microsoft Azure Essentials Migrating SQL Server Databases to Azure, introduces you to SQL Server in an Azure virtual machine and to Azure SQL Database, and walks you through getting started with each approach. It takes you from creating a SQL Server instance in a virtual machine or as a platform service to migrating an on-premises database into Azure and then to securing the data and the database in Azure.

Beyond the explanatory content, each chapter includes one or more walk-throughs with extensive screenshots so you can follow along and create a trial subscription, create SQL Server in an Azure virtual machine, create an Azure SQL Database, migrate an on-premises database to each Azure environment, create users, back up and restore data, and archive data.

Table of contents

  • Overview of SQL Server in Microsoft Azure
  • Getting started with SQL Server in an Azure virtual machine
  • Getting started with an Azure SQL Database
  • Migrating a database to Azure
  • Authentication, authorization, and data resiliency
Pages : 174
Size : 12.5 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 91
Created: 2022-02-03
License: Microsoft Open
Author(s): Carl Rabeler
Migrating SQL Server Databases to Azure

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